Sunday, December 27, 2009

New Gear

I am trying to get all my gear together for the challenge in 5 days!!! Thank you bikramyogachick for "Preparing yourself: Part1: Physically" and to The Missus for "Bikram 101 Supplies".  The yoga bag prep was a lot of help. I am almost done with getting my supplies. Just have to find some Lemon Ginger Yogi tea and also stock up on coconut water. I like to have a coconut water after class to replenish.

I also got myself some new gear. The Husband got me a great new towel from lululemon for Christmas and I got a chance to try it out yesterday. It is amazing! It is the Manduka towel in blue. I think I am going to get a few more before the challenge starts. The grey is nice. It is light weight, absorbant, fits the full length of the mat and when wet - it is anti-slip. I also got some two new Shakti side string shorts (hot pink and sky blue).

New gear always makes me happy =)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Goals for Bikram 101 challenge

I've been thinking a great deal about the Bikram 101 challenge. Since it will be such a big part of my life for the next 3+ months, I thought it might be a good idea to set some goals for my practice...

  • Be in the moment, no fidgeting, or wiping. Completely focus. Right now, I find myself in a bad habit of being kinda 'lazy' in my triangle set-up. I put my arms down, don't get my thigh completely parallel...etc.
  • Standing head to knee: by the end of the challenge, I would love to be able to get my forehead to my knee and hold it. Right now I can kick out, bend my elbows, tuck my chin in, but the forehead just won't touch my knee.
  • Standing separate leg head to knee: I struggle with this posture a lot. I find it one of my toughest. By the end of the challenge I would like to be able to consistently get my forehead to knee with my hands in prayer.
  • Standing Bow: hold the posture for one minute. On a good day, I fall out of it twice.
  • Locust: I struggle with lifting both legs up. I hesitate often in this posture. I would like to be more consistent and give it 100% each time.
  • Rabbit: I want to be able to get my forehead to touch my knee and lift, lift, lift! Compression postures are very difficult for me.
  • Spine twist: to be able to grab my inner thigh.
  • Water intake: cut down my water intake to two times a class (after standing series and before fixed firm)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hardest part

9:30PM Tonight with Katie

I wasn't feeling it tonight, but my husband said to me "The hardest posture is getting there". Coming from a guy that would never step foot onto a yoga mat - what does he know :). I'm so glad he convinced me to go. I had the best class ever - many breakthroughs. I was able to start to bend my elbows in standing head to knee, only fell out of standing bow once and in rabbit I finally got my forehead to my knee. After class tonight I have this happy, giddy, 'just-falling-in-love' feeling. That's why I'm starting this blog....I am starting t0 realize how bikram can REALLY change my life from the inside out and I want to share my journey.